Kids’ Art Contest – Treasure from Junk celebrating Joey Cornell

Joey Cornell collected everything—anything that sparked his imagination or delighted his eye. His collection grew and grew until he realized that certain pieces just looked right together. He assembled his doodads to create wonderful, magical creations out of once ordinary objects.

Your challenge is to create art from ‘junk’. Use the things you find and collect and put them together to make a ‘story’.  Be able to answer what you found and where and why you put them together to make your art!  Contest open to kids in grades K-12. Submissions must be hangable, no larger than 9 x 12 inches.

Art will be judged by the community based on creative use of materials, final artistic presentation and skill.  Please include an explanation of materials and the reasoning used to create the artwork. Submissions are due by September 15. Voting will be from September 16-20. Winners announced September 23.


  • One submission per person
  • there are three categories this month: grades 1-4, 5-8, 9-12
  • Must be an original creation – no replicas of existing artwork, tracing or copying
  • Explain how and why you made your art on a separate sheet to be posted with your artwork
  • The submission should be the artist’s own work
  • Bring your artwork to the library by September 15
  • Voting period: September 16-20
  • Please include your name, grade level and contact (phone or email) on the back of your art OR on a separate paper.

Winners announced September 23!