Flyways Film Screening with Dr. Benjamin Mirin – Tuesday October 1 at 6:30pm

Shorebirds fly thousands of miles each year along ancient and largely unknown migratory routes called “flyways”. More than 200 species, such as Far Eastern Curlews, Lesser Yellowlegs, Red Knots and Hudsonian Godwits, travel from feeding grounds in the southern hemisphere to breeding grounds in the Arctic and back again, flying up to nine days non-stop without food or water. But their populations are crashing amidst climate change and urban development. Flyways, a new documentary, invites you to follow a conservation movement of bird-loving experts and citizen scientists as they mobilize to the challenge of understanding and saving shorebirds.

Join us for a screening of the film on Tuesday, October 1 at 6:30 with special guest Dr. Benjamin Mirin. This program will be available in a hybrid format.  Indicate your preference in the registration form to choose online or in-person gathering.

Other events related to the Flyways film and SciStarter Citizen Science efforts include:

  • Saturday, October 5 at 10:30am – The Cornell Raptor program will visit the library with their large birds of prey and more information on these amazing birds.
  • Wednesday, October 9 at noon – Lunch & Learn with Dr. Jody Enck to learn about bird walks, birdwatching and the Merlin and eBird apps.
  • Friday, October 11 at 10:30am – Storytime goes to the birds with stories, songs and more.
  • Get inspired and participate in the citizen science projects.  We will have two kits available for circulation with more books on birds and binoculars to help your birdwatching adventures.

Want to know more from Cornell expert, Dr. Kevin J. McGowan.  Here he answers 6 common questions about bird migration, including Why do birds migrate? What prompts the start of migration? What’s the best time to migrate? How can we help birds on their way? and more.